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Wheel Alignment in Langley, BC

Projects are easier to complete when everybody is working towards the same goal. An automobile isn’t one single entity but a variety of parts, that all must be working together. This means all its wheels must be aligned correctly and pointing in the same direction.

If you’re concerned your wheels are misaligned, you might be searching, “Tire alignment near Langley”, “Signs of auto misalignment”, “Wheel alignment shop”, or something similar. Foreman’s Integra Tire Auto Centre can help. Here’s what you should know about wheel alignments.

“Can I get tire alignment near me in Langley, British Columbia?”

You can if you come to Foreman’s Integra Tire Auto Centre. We offer a number of wheel and tire services including alignment. But what does a wheel alignment accomplish and when do you need one?

What causes wheel misalignments?

Wheels move. It’s kind of the main thing that they do. But this movement means there is variability in a wheel’s position. Wheels, tires, axles, and driveshafts can all be jostled out of position. If your wheels are misaligned, then they’re not all calibrated properly. Even a slight misalignment can result in a significant drop in efficiency. And, because a misalignment can affect steering, it can even be a safety hazard.

Most misalignments are caused by gradual wear and tear. Potholes and unpaved roads can contribute to misalignments as can significant collisions. In the case of a crash, an alignment will likely be one of several necessary procedures.

How can you avoid misalignments?

There’s not a lot you can do to avoid misalignments because they tend to just happen over time. Avoid driving over potholes as best you can and don’t drive on all-season tires for all year round. Also, another important tip, don’t ignore possible signs of misalignment, just as you shouldn’t ignore your check engine light. If you’ve noticed your steering wheel pulling, you should come to Foreman’s Integra Tire Auto Centre to have an alignment inspection.

Misalignments can cause uneven tire wear and this contributes to reduced tread life. To prevent misalignments, it can be a good idea to have your suspension and wheels checked for an imbalance whenever you have new tires installed, balanced, and/or rotated.

How can an alignment shop help?

At Foreman’s Integra Tire Auto Centre, our alignment services include caster adjustments, axle repairs, and preventive maintenance. To ensure your steering is functioning correctly, we can inspect the mechanical and electronic functions of your steering.

Our aligner precisely measures the position and orientation of each wheel for both 2-wheel and 4-wheel alignments. We can ensure both your front wheel and rear wheels are properly aligned. We are also extremely careful to avoid damaging your vehicle in any way when we perform any procedure. When performing an alignment, we’re very careful to avoid rim damage. That’s why we use a state-of-the-art aligner with spring-loaded arms to grip the tire.

Make Foreman’s Integra Tire Auto Centre your alignment shop in Langley, BC.

There’s no need to keep searching for a tire alignment near you. Just come to Foreman’s Integra Tire Auto Centre in Langley City and we’ll align your wheels perfectly once again. To book an appointment for an alignment, for any other type of service, please click here, or you can call 604-530-4510.